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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christchurch Aftershocks 20th January 2011

At 6:03am on the 20th January, Christchurch was shaken by the 8th largest aftershock since the September earthquake. It measured 5.1 on the Richter scale and awoke many residents. The Earthquake Commission are treating it as a separate quake for claim purposes and received almost 100 claims in the first 12 hours. Most of these were for cracking.

The aftershock generated its own series of aftershocks and the measurements according to Canterbury Quake Live were as follows:

21-Jan 02:12am 7.48 4.4 V 51 tons
20-Jan 03:52pm 2.00 2.7 II 157 kg
20-Jan 12:36pm 5.00 3.9 III 11 tons
20-Jan 11:58am 2.00 2.9 II 306 kg
20-Jan 11:55am 5.00 2.7 II 197 kg
20-Jan 11:10am 5.00 3.9 III 10 tons
20-Jan 11:01am 2.00 3.1 III 611 kg
20-Jan 09:28am 5.00 2.6 II 142 kg
20-Jan 08:14am 13.04 3.2 III 1 tons
20-Jan 08:06am 13.47 4.0 IV 15 tons
20-Jan 08:02am 10.43 3.3 III 2 tons
20-Jan 06:28am 12.00 3.1 III 840 kg
20-Jan 06:03am 9.72 5.1 VI 576 tons

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